Special Feature

SRWC Rules Banner

The SRWC prides itself in being a place where the entire CSULB community can come to enhance their health and well being and participate in diverse, engaging and innovative programs. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our ‘Rules for a Successful SRWC Experience,’ to ensure that all members can continue to have an uplifting experience at the SRWC!

SRWC Focus Groups banner

Have any thoughts about SRWC programs, services or the facility? Now you have a chance to voice them!

Owen’s Condition for Tuition Winner banner

Out of the close to thousand students that participated in Owen’s Condition for Tuition this past year, graduate student Ryan Sueme took home the grand prize of free tuition!

Winter Break Hours banner

With the semester coming to an end, the SRWC will be transitioning to winter session hours starting December 20. The adjusted schedule will go through January 21. Please make sure to utilize the SRWC during the following facility operational hours:

Summer Memberships banner

Although the school year is ending, your workouts don’t have to—the SRWC offers summer memberships each year for you and your friends! A full CSULB student summer membership started at just $94 and is prorated down each day since the end of the semester.

Maintenance and Alternative Workouts banner

In an effort to maintain the SRWC as a top-of-the-line facility, annual maintenance takes place each winter break. This break the SRWC will be refinishing the floors in two separate phases to limit the impact on your routines. Please note the dates and locations of the closures below:

Meet The Director: Farron Fowler banner

Associated Students, Inc. is proud to announce Farron Fowler as the new associate director for the Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC). In this role, Fowler will oversee all facility operations and programming, support SRWC staff in following correct protocols and procedures, and uphold ASI’s commitment to diversity by encouraging unique and inclusive programming.

Winter Fitness Schedules banner

Just because its winter, doesn’t mean you have to take a break from staying balanced! The SRWC will remain accessible to all students who were enrolled in fall 2017 courses and your favorite fitness classes will be up and running.

E-Cigarettes banner

Decades of research have shown that smoking negatively effects the body, but with little to no data, it’s not yet clear if e-cigarettes are harmful to the lungs and body.

SRWC Focus Groups banner

Have any thoughts about SRWC programs? Now is your chance to voice them!

Healthiest Campus Award Banner

CSULB was recently recognized as a winner of the 2016 Active Minds Healthy Campus Award, ranked as one of the healthiest college campuses in the nation. This award celebrates campuses that provide access to quality healthcare and a comprehensive approach to promoting student health—which the SRWC plays a pivotal role in.

New Member Essentials banner

New to the Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC) or looking to step up your involvement? Here are some things you need to know about being a member at the SRWC.

The SRWC’s New Geofilter Banner

Want to post your workouts and fitness routines on snapchat while at the gym? Make sure to use the new SRWC Geofilter to show where you’re at!

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